Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I left work early yesterday,
there was a meeting I had been asked to attend.
So, I made it to the meeting and reluctantly went in.
There was a man there, who had been asked
to share a bit after the meeting concluded.
This man was a self-proclaimed country boy,
a farmer, in his mid-sixties I would guess.
He said that Albert Einstein was a genius
and his theory of relativity,
the equation that helped develop so many things,
was just one of his brilliant thoughts.
When Einstein was a young man in Germany
when Hitler started his rise to power,
so he chose to move somewhere safer.
He made a life change,
so he could have a better quality of life.
He left behind the things that were familiar to him
and he made an investment in himself.
His self-investment not only bettered his quality of life,
but it has benefited the scientific community to this day.
The speaker was wonderful.
He explained Einstein’s thought that if you
continue to do the same thing over and over,
expecting a different result at the end,
you are an idiot.
Make life changes, invest in yourself,
take new steps, have the confidence
to take that leap of faith in yourself.
Don’t give up when things get hard
or scary or don’t seem to be moving
as fast as you want them too.
Keep your eye on the horizon
and keep moving forward with self-confidence
and a positive attitude.
Not only will you create a better
Quality of Life, but you will LIVE!

*My son and I had spoken earlier in the day.
His small family just made a big life change.
I wanted to not just convey to him that
I am proud of his choices and that
I support him in all things,
but I wanted to give him the reassurance that
he was making a better future.
After sitting through the Quality of Life talk,
I knew just what to share with him.
I’m so glad my reluctance to walk into that meeting,
through the pouring rain, didn’t stop me from going.
I am grateful for the country man
who spoke about keeping your eyes on the horizon
and moving forward.
Here is to Living a Better Quality of Life.

Einstein's equation E = mc2 shows that energy and mass are interchangeable. 
The theory of special relativity explains how space and time are linked for 
objects that are moving at a consistent speed in a straight line. 
One of its most famous aspects concerns objects moving at the speed of light.

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