Tuesday, December 31, 2024



 I took a drive with my co-pilot and Macklemore today. It rained and was super windy. There weren’t a lot of other people driving in the woods, I was grateful. But I made a point to find the roads less traveled. Once I entered the woods, the tunes were turned off and our conversation truly started. I try to be present and aware as we chat. As I was driving 20 miles an hour down a very narrow road, I happed to come across two deer. They were just hanging out, so I rolled my window down and thanked them for making it a perfect day. We just sat there for about four minutes. Lovely! Sometimes, I have to pull over because the conversation gets deep and I need to put pen to paper. It also helps me put perspective to the conversation. I parked in a great spot, so after making some notes in my journal, I got out and took a bit of a walk. I love how the wind sounds in the trees, even when there aren’t many leaves left. The rain drops were small, but cold! My walk was short; I was chilly and wet but it was great! After our conversation was pretty much complete, I thanked my co-pilot for his time and wisdom. I put a new rout in my GPS and headed home. 

Here’s my last drive of 2024! 


There is something about the woods in winter. The foliage is gone, yet the trees still stand guard. 
Each bare branch looks so vulnerable, yet with quiet strength each tree stands resolute. 
Throughout the long gray winter, they stand as silent sentinels.

Sunday, December 29, 2024


Just two of my favorite GrandDogs!
Oh I love them!

Both these ladies love their Grammy, but that little one knows just how to steal your heart!

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Arizona Today


I have a friend who is retiring in just a few days. I’m so very happy for him. 
I know he has projects to keep him busy… 
8 vehicles, 5 horse drawn vehicles, 4 antique engines and several weapons to play with from civil war era that he wants to modernize. 
I know he is no couch potato and he assures me that he will continue to do volunteer work. 
I hope retirement surrounds him with a new group of great people. 
I hope all his time is filled with things that make him happy. 
I hope retirement is a blessing to my friend. 
He has always been a blessing to me.

Happy Retirement Bill!!!


I read this the other day on another blog and it resonated with me.

I was 12 when I first came across the mythical bird called Phoenix while reading Harry Potter.

This magical creature would burst into flames at the end of its life, and then reemerge from its ashes, brand new and ready to live another life.

I immediately fell in love with the phoenix and the powerful concept of reinvention that it represented.

Imagine a life where you can rewrite your story, a life where you are the author of your destiny, where every day is an opportunity to redefine who you are and what you can achieve.

Sounds good, right?

Now, let me tell you something you probably already know:

Just like the Phoenix, you too have the power to rise from the ashes of your past self, shed the limitations that hold you back, and emerge as someone entirely new.

It’s a gift you have since you were born, and in this post, I am going to lay out a roadmap that you can use to embrace your power of re-invention and rise like the mighty phoenix.


Friday, December 27, 2024


Again I see it in myself… never content, never satisfied, always wanting whatever is coming next.

As I sit here in my cozy chair with the Christmas tree lights still lit…
 I just put in an order for a dozen or so seed catalogs!

So excited!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2024


"People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full are missing the point. The glass is refillable." 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Friday, December 20, 2024


I ordered new flatware. Not an earth shattering event. But it was big for me. The utensils that have lived in my kitchen drawer were the same utensils I have had for just shy of thirty nine years. They were a gift. And a good set, still in great shape. I think all the pieces are still accounted for. One fork is a bit wonky, it took a trip through the garbage disposal once, and I’m not too sure just what happened to the sugar spoon… but it always was my favorite anyway. 
But today that well loved set got boxed up, and will go into storage until someone needs a set of flat wear. 
Tonight in my kitchen drawer is a freshly washed set of Henckel cutlery. I like them, and as my son said “it was a ‘solid adulting’ thing to do”.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


“I think that the reason to live is to learn.”


Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Over forth years and they still make me smile, truly some of my all time favorite tunes are from these guys!

Monday, December 16, 2024


I spent Saturday shopping with my daughter. Then playing with my granddaughter. Sunday I made floral arrangements for my front porch. (Now I understand why the premade ones are so expensive.) Then I wrapped all the gifts. All the gifts. 
It was a good weekend. But I still have lots to do before the family Christmas party next Sunday. So this morning I made Cranberry Sauce. And oh it smells so lovely!


Tuesday, December 10, 2024



“Transitions are almost always signs of growth, but they can bring 
feelings of loss. 
To get somewhere new, 
we may have to leave somewhere else behind.”
Fred Rogers

Friday, November 29, 2024

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


In the spring this Crape Myrtle bush is a beautiful green with an abundance of bright pink blossoms. But in the autumn it totally changes its attire to this sophisticated fashion and I love it!


“Life is like a 
10-speed bicycle.
Most of us have gears 
we never use.”

Charles M. Schultz 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024


There was a practice I was reading that said to choose your top three values… suddenly I questioned what my top three values are. Luckily there was a list of over 200 values. However I did not consider many of the options to be values. It’s all relative I’m sure.

I chose twenty some that seem to resonate with me: 
acceptance /equality, comfort, compassion, consistency, courage, courtesy, curiosity, devotion, empathy, enthusiasm, freedom, generosity, gratitude, kindness, loyalty, optimism, passion, poise, respect/trust, sensitivity and service. 
I’m sure there are probably more. But today those felt right. 
I also learned that I lack contentment.
And I am okay with that!

Friday, November 22, 2024


A man came into the office yesterday. The type that has an agenda and wants everyone to know about it. 
He approached my desk and let me know what he was there for. I directed him to the correct agent. 
They hit it off smashingly. I was ready to find a shovel to start digging out the piles of BS their masculinity was tossing around. 
As the agent got up to get Mr. Smooth Joe a cup of coffee, the new comer sauntered over to my desk. 
I guess it was not obvious that I was up to my elbows in files. 
He proceeded to let me know that he found his girlfriend online. All he had to do was state the facts “TALL HANDSOME BASTARD”
I smiled….
One out of three was truly factual. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


“You’ll never change your life 
until you change 
something you do daily.
 The secret of your successes 
is found in your daily routine.”

JC Maxwell

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


I did a little act of kindness for a sweet friend. 
Funny how something small can make such a large impact on someone else. It did. It was not a big thing to me. But so very kind of them to send me some love!
I’ll save these for next weeks vacation!


From my back porch.

Sunday, November 17, 2024


Ten years ago today it snowed. 
It was my first snow. 
It was amazing, truly magical,
for this Phoenician. 

I fell in love, just a little bit more, with the Midwest. 

That was just one piece of what the day would surprise me with. 

I also hit black ice on a two lane county road. 

I rolled my very large and sturdy vehicle into a ditch. 

I met new people.
I made new friends.

I learned lessons 
that day. 

I won’t ever forget November 17th

In retrospect, 
ten years later, 
it was a good day.

Thursday, November 14, 2024


Running up a hill is a bitch 
until you adapt to the hill. 
Then it’s not. 
The hill is the same but you
are different and as a result, 
so is your experience. 
Easy or hard is about you, 
not the hill.
Don’t wait for the hill to change.

-Craig Harper


"Loneliness is a seductive trap, poison that, once tasted, turns into a habit." Your calmness and peace envelops you like a cloak, making you forget the tumult of human interactions. Over time, the desire to distance yourself from others increases as it drains your energies and exposes your fragility. Loneliness may seem like a refuge, but it's a mirage that isolates us from true connections"... Jim Carrey 

Monday, November 11, 2024


This incredible natural phenomenon exists on Lake Superior, which is the largest freshwater lake in the world. Within this massive lake lies Isle Royale, a large island surrounded by the clear waters of Lake Superior. But the story doesn’t stop there. On Isle Royale, there is another smaller lake called Siskiwit Lake. Inside Siskiwit Lake, there is yet another island, known as Ryan Island, and on this island, there is a small pond that holds a little boulder.
When the pond on Ryan Island floods, this boulder essentially becomes the smallest "island" on what could be considered the most layered island setting in the world. It’s an island within a lake, on an island within another lake, on the largest island in the largest freshwater lake on the planet. This layered structure is a fascinating example of how complex and unexpected nature can be. It’s like a natural nesting doll, showcasing the wonder of our world’s geography in a simple, yet mind-bending way.

Sunday, November 10, 2024




I listened to the book “Atomic Habits”
My hope is that by reading self help mixed with all the other genres I listen to, that I will continue to become well rounded.

Saturday, November 9, 2024


I find that on the weekends if I don’t have solid plans, I tend to SQUIRREL around the house. I had to tinkle, so I got up from peddling, did my thing, then I noticed the small jar of baking soda, that I keep in the bathroom cabinet for late night heartburn was empty, so I picked it up and headed for the pantry, but wait, I should start the laundry, so I picked up our laundry basket and headed to the kitchen. Started the first load of laundry, remembering that John had mentioned that he sure could go for biscuits and gravy. So I took the frozen biscuits out of the freezer and placed a few in the oven. Then I gathered the things for gravy and mixed that up. Filled the baking soda jar, then thought I would like some warm tea. So I filled my tea strainer with my favor loose blend, but wait, the jar I keep Stevia packets in needs filled. So I filled it and made my tea. Then I got the ham, cheese, eggs and cream out and I noticed how nasty the refrigerator drawer was, so I emptied it and gave it a really good washing. And yes I kept stirring the gravy so it would burn or clump. 
Then I made the glorified scrambled eggs. Then I put the refrigerator drawer back in the fridge, resisting the internal battle to clean the entire fridge out. But I saw the milk had expired and tossed the end of that. I took the biscuits out of the oven, plated breakfast like a pro, and washed the cast iron skillet. Then I  realized that I had been in the kitchen so long that the first load of wash was finished. So I put it in the dryer and started load number two. I grabbed my breakfast bowl and my now tepid mug of tea and the jar of baking soda. I replaced the jar, reorganizing the bathroom cabinet and headed back to my chair, where I planned to keep peddling, but ended up writing all this and now my breakfast and tea are cold. 

TMI? Sorry!!! Just a hilarious glimpse of my morning!

Friday, November 8, 2024




I spoke to Jim today, he said he needed my help. He said he was a 1949 model and he has come to know that women rule the world. 
I told him I would do my best.
He was charming!

I like Vintage!


Life is like a book
if you never turn the page,
you will never know 
what the next chapter holds. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024


Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park on the Utah/Arizona border.


Sex is part of nature. 
And I have a wonderful time with nature. 

Miss Monroe 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Life is beautiful and shitty and strange 
and amazing and devastating 
and hard and easy 
and full of love and full of anger and…
just enjoy the ride. 


Monday, November 4, 2024


The Trinity College library is over 300 years old, its located in Dublin Ireland.and houses 200,000 of the library's oldest books. I have been there, it is amazing!




A person travels the world over
in search of what he needs 
and returns home to find it.
George Moore

Sunday, November 3, 2024


“When you don’t dress like everyone else, 
you don’t have to think like everyone else.”

Thursday, October 31, 2024


“A goal without 
a plan is just 
a wish.”
Antoine de-Saint

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.”
David Campbell

“Success in life can be defined as the continued expansion of 
happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals”
Deepak Chopra

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

“The older I get, the more I understand that it’s okay 
to live a life 
that others don’t understand.”